POL-U1400.05 Establishing or Changing the Amount or Purpose of a Service Fee (Interim)

Dates and Approval

Effective Date:

November 13, 2019

Approved by:

President Sabah Randhawa

Who does this policy apply to?

This policy applies to University personnel involved in establishing or changing Departmental or Miscellaneous Service Fees as defined below.


There is no overview for this policy.


Departmental Service Fee

A fee charged by one University department to another related to the cost of the goods or services provided.

Miscellaneous Service Fee

A fee charged to the public to cover the cost of providing services. The rate of the fee should reasonably reflect the actual cost to the University for goods/services provided. When appropriate, consideration should be given to rates charged for similar services in the community.

Policy Statements

1. Financial Manager is Responsible for the Proper Administration of Their Fees

Financial Managers are responsible for the review and reconciliation of fee funds. They must monitor fee fund balances to ensure that the level of fund balance is appropriate to support the approved purpose(s) of the fee and to formulate plans for managing fund balances when fee revenue exceeds fee expenditure.

2. Departments May Establish Service Fees to Cover the Cost of Goods or Services Provided to Internal or External Entities

No additional description for this statement.

3. Departments May Establish Service Fees to Promote the Self-Regulation or Rationing of Services or Assets

No additional description for this statement.

4. Departments May Not Accumulate Balances that Exceed Approved Program Costs and Appropriate Reserves

Appropriate reserves include equipment and system replacement.

5. Department Wanting to Establish or Change the Amount or Purpose of a Service Fee Must Follow Procedure PRO-U1400.05A

In order to be established, a Service Fee must:

  1. Be within the educational context and mission of the University;
  2. Be in compliance with POL-U5100.02 – Educational Commercial Activities; and
  3. Fully or partially cover the cost of goods or services not currently funded by the state or other revenue sources.

6. Approved Service Fees Will Be Identified in the University’s Published List of Fees and Rates

Service fees that have not been approved cannot be charged in the upcoming fiscal year.

7. President, Upon Recommendation of the Vice President(s) or Provost, may Approve Exceptions to this Policy

No additional description for this statement.