POL-U6500.01 Filming, Photography or Video Productions on University Property

Dates and Approval

Effective Date:

September 10, 2013

Revised Date:

December 23, 2024

Approved by:

President Sabah Randhawa

Who does this policy apply to?

This policy applies to all filming, photography or video productions by off-campus producers that occur on University property.


There is no overview for this policy.



An off-campus individual, organization, or group requesting the use of University property for the purpose of film, photography or video production.

Policy Statements

1. Vice President of University Advancement is Responsible for Approval and Coordination

The Vice President for University Advancement is responsible for approval and coordination of film, photography and video production on University property by producers.

The Vice President for University Advancement delegates implementation of this policy to the Director of Office of University Communications.

2. Director Evaluates Requests from Producers

The Director of Office of University Communications evaluates requests to use University property for film, photography or video production by producers using procedure PRO- U6500.01A Request to Film, Photograph or Videotape on University Property.

3. Director Approves Use of University Name, Logo and Other Identifying Marks

The University owns all rights and goodwill in the University’s name, logo and other identifying marks. Any use by a producer requires prior written permission from the Director of Office of University Communications.

4. University May Accept or Reject a Request

Per Chapter 516-36 WAC – Use of University Facilities – Scheduling – the University retains the authority to accept or reject, in whole or in part, a request from producers based on the following factors:

  • Whether the property or facilities requested are to be used in connection with a regularly scheduled University program and/or whether the property or facilities requested (and the surrounding area) are undergoing maintenance, construction or renovation;
  • Whether the intended use of the University's property or facilities is compatible with the educational mission and objectives of the University;
  • Whether the intended use might cause a disruption of the University's relationship with the local community by conflicting with services provided by private enterprise within the Bellingham area;
  • The capabilities, qualifications, experience, and financial stability of the individual, organization, or group submitting the request; and/or
  • Other factors as determined by the request including, but not limited to, an impact on the University’s reputation, endangerment to the health and safety of the University community, or apparent endorsement of any religion in violation of the constitutional requirement of separation of church and state.

Whenever the University rejects a request for use of University property or facilities, the reason for such rejection shall be stated in writing to the producer.

5. Producers Comply with Policies

Producers will comply with all applicable University policies and procedures including, but not limited to, health and safety policies, nondiscrimination and harassment policies, and all federal, state and local laws and codes.

6. Producers Charged Fees

University approved fees may be charged to a producer sufficient to insure recovery by the University of all direct and indirect costs associated with the producer’s use of University property, including all direct and indirect costs of goods or services furnished by the University in connection with the producer’s use of the property. Such fees may include, but are not limited to:

  • Communications and Marketing - permit fees
  • Exterior space - applicable public rental fees
  • Space Administration - space rental fees
  • Public Safety - parking and security fees
  • Facilities Management - special services fees
  • University employee services fees

When there are no direct and indirect costs associated with the producer’s use of University property, fees may not be charged.

The University may waive all or part of a fee as allowed under Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 516-36-030 - Use of university facilities by off-campus persons or groups — Assessment of fees – when:

  • Members of the University community will receive a substantial benefit from the intended use of the facility and no person or group will derive profit from the intended use of the facility; or
  • The group requesting the use of the University's facility is an agency of the state of Washington.

A written contract may be executed with the producer for charges of goods or services furnished by the University that are not already established by a University approved fees.

7. Producers are Responsible and Liable

Producers are responsible for protecting University property from loss or damage during production and financially obligated to repair or replace damaged property as determined by the University.

University property may not be altered for any reason. Requests for exceptions must receive prior written permission from the Director of Office of University Communications.

University shall not be responsible whatsoever for loss or damage to the producer’s property and equipment while used on University premises.

The producer assumes all liability for its own negligence and willful misconduct and that of its employees, volunteers, agents and other personnel that may arise from the production. Upon request by the University, evidence of liability insurance with additional insured status in favor of the University shall be provided by the producer.