POL-U1000.06 Scheduling of Facilities by Off-Campus Groups

Dates and Approval

Effective Date:

May 1, 1990

Approved by:

Board of Trustees

Who does this policy apply to?

This policy applies to all off-campus persons or groups wishing to use university facilities.


There is no overview for this policy.


There are no definitions for this policy.

Policy Statements

1. Requests to Use University Facilities Must Be Submitted in Writing

Use of university facilities by off-campus persons or groups-requests.

Any person who is not affiliated with the university and who desires to use university facilities on a temporary basis for purposes other than assigned university activities shall submit a request for use of university facilities to the president or his designee.

WAC 516-36-001

2. The President Has the Authority to Accept or Reject Applications

Use of university facilities by off-campus persons or groups-evaluation or request for use.

  1. The President, or the President's designee, shall have the authority to accept or reject, on whole or in part, a request submitted pursuant to WAC 516-36-001.
  2. In evaluating a request submitted pursuant to WAC 516-36-001, the President shall consider the following factors:
    • Whether the facilities requested are to be used in connection with a regularly scheduled university program.
    • Whether the intended use of   the university's facilities is compatible with the educational mission and objectives of the university.
    • Whether the intended use might cause a disruption of the university's relationship with the local community by conflicting with services provided by private enterprise within the Bellingham area.
    • The capabilities, qualifications, experience, and financial stability of   the individual, organization, or group submitting the request.
  3. Whenever the President (or the President's designee) rejects, either in whole or in part, a request for use of university facilities, the reasons for such rejection shall be stated in writing.

WAC 516-36-020

3. The President Will Establish a Schedule of Fees

Use of university facilities by off-campus persons or groups—assessment of fees.

  1. The President, or the President's designee, shall have authority to establish a schedule of fees to govern the use of university facilities by persons who are not affiliated with the university, and to alter or modify the fee schedule whenever such action is deemed to be necessary or appropriate or in the best interests of the university, and to alter or modify the fee schedule whenever such action is deemed to be necessary or appropriate or in the best interests of the university. The fee for each campus facility shall be sufficient to insure the recovery by the university of all direct and indirect costs associated with the use of the facility, including all direct and indirect costs of goods or services furnished by the university in connection with the use of the facility.
  2. The President, or the President's designee, may waive all or part of the normal fee for use of a particular facility by persons not affiliated with the university under the following circumstances:
    • Members of the university community will receive a substantial benefit from the intended use of the facility and no person or group will derive profit from the intended use of the facility; or
    • The group requesting the use of the university's facility is an agency of the state of Washington.

WAC 516-36-030

4. President Develops and Implements Policies Relative to Facilities Use

The President, or the President's designee, shall have authority to develop and implement policies relating to the use of university facilities by persons or groups affiliated with the university.

WAC 516-36-040

Policy Information


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