POL-U1600.05 Implementing Affirmative Action Program
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Dates and Approval
Effective Date:
June 9, 2009
Who does this policy apply to?
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The Affirmative Action Program (AAP) shall include
a) equal opportunity and affirmative action policies and methods for their dissemination
b) responsibility for implementation
c) identification of problem areas
d) action-oriented programs designed to recruit, employ and promote qualified members of targeted populations, to include women, minorities, people with disabilities and veterans
e) internal audit and reporting systems
The Affirmative Action Plan is a working document that identifies areas of underutilization in the work force, proportional to availability; analyzes personnel actions, hiring practices; and goal achievement, and serves as a basis for updating the Affirmative Action Program
Policy Statements
1. The University Establishes an AAP and Reports the Results of its Efforts in an Affirmative Action Plan (Plan)
The results of the AAP shall be reported annually in an updated Plan.
The content of the Plan shall conform to current state and federal guidelines and will represent the university's good faith efforts to eliminate barriers to recruit and retain targeted populations for equal employment opportunity.
2. The Board of Trustees Pledges its Commitment to Affirmative Action
The Board of Trustees delegates responsibility for promoting and enforcing the AAP to the President of the university.
3. The President Carries Out This Responsibility by:
a) Designating the Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity & Employment Diversity as the official responsible for preparation of the Plan and overall implementation of the AAP.
b) Delegating responsibility for ensuring the success of the AAP to other university employment officials, managers and supervisors.
c) Ensuring that the resources necessary for the implementation of this policy remain a priority in the university budget.
4. The Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity and Employment Diversity (Vice Provost) Reports to the President on Matters Regarding Affirmative Action
No additional description for this statement.
5. The Vice Provost has the Authority to Administer the AAP by
a) Making the affirmative action policy available to all employees and the public.
b) Maintaining discrimination complaint procedures.
c) Facilitating the informal resolution of discrimination complaints.
d) Receiving and investigating complaints of illegal discrimination and making recommendations for solutions.
e) Serving as liaison between the university and the state and federal enforcement agencies regarding externally filed complaints and compliance reviews.
f) Keeping the university informed concerning developments in discrimination law and taking appropriate steps to assure timely applications of new regulations in all administrative or operating units of the university.
g) Monitoring employment recruitment processes and work climate for continual compliance with the requirements of anti-discrimination law.
h) Facilitating compliance with equal opportunity regulations in programs and services provided to students and the public.
i) Preparing the annual Plan which measures progress, identifies problem areas, and sets goals and providing the Plan to the President for review and signature.
j) Preparing reports, statistics, and data which delineate and quantify various aspects of the policy, and planning for internal analysis as required by federal and state agencies.
k) Maintaining internal and external awareness of the existence and value of the AAP.
l) Developing and overseeing effective affirmative action/equal employment opportunity training programs.
6. Vice Presidents and Deans Are Responsible to Ensure the Success of the AAP in Their Divisions by:
a) Participating in the development and implementation of action-oriented programs focused on underutilized groups.
b) Ensuring appropriate non-discrimination clause in all contracts.
c) Annually reviewing with the Equal Opportunity Office the effectiveness of the AAP in their respective units.
d) Ensuring employees participate in the university’s affirmative action/equal employment opportunity training.
e) Ensuring affirmative action efforts and results shall be a part of the evaluation of the performance of administrators and supervisors.
7. University Employees and Supervisors Facilitate the Affirmative Action Program
All university employees and supervisors will, by creating and maintaining an atmosphere conducive to recruiting, hiring, promoting and retaining members of underrepresented groups, in working to reach the university’s affirmative action goals.
8. University Search Committees and Hiring Authorities Will Design Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Goals by Reflecting Them in Their Recruitment Plans
No additional description for this statement.
Policy Contact
Office of Civil Rights and Title IX ComplianceMore Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance policies
Policy Information
Display all authorities
Display policy history
- Appendix C, 2005-2007 Faculty Handbook,
- Appendix A, Paragraph D Student Handbook
- Administrative Policies and Procedures on Affirmative Action
- Employment, Equal Opportunity, and Discrimination
See Also:
Display procedures, standards, and forms
Related Policies and Info:
- Discrimination Complaint Procedure
- Appendix C, 2005-2007 Faculty Handbook,
- Appendix A, Paragraph D Student Handbook
- Administrative Policies and Procedures on Affirmative Action
- Employment, Equal Opportunity, and Discrimination
See Also
- Discrimination Complaint Procedure