POL-U5950.16 Managing Refrigerants
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Dates and Approval
Effective Date:
November 12, 2001
Approved by:
WWU President's Council
Who does this policy apply to?
This policy applies to all departments and their personnel that handle appliances or equipment using or containing refrigerants (controlled substances as defined in Appendices A and B to Subpart A, Class I and II Controlled Substances, found in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 82 (40 CFR 82).
The purpose of this policy is environmental protection of stratospheric ozone through responsible use of refrigerants. Refrigerant management is one facet of a broader University policy that includes protection of the environment to the maximum extent feasible. This policy reflects the University's core values regarding principled and responsible action within all of its roles.
There are no definitions for this policy.
Policy Statements
The University Complies with 40 CFR 82
The University complies with Section 608, National Recycling and Emission Reduction Program, of the Clean Air Act (U.S. Code, Chapter 85, Part A, Title IV, Stratospheric Ozone Protection) via compliance with regulations in 40 CFR 82.
2. Department Heads and the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Office Manage the Refrigerant Program
The Director of EHS notifies departments regarding compliance with the requirements of the environmental refrigerant regulations and this policy. Department heads are then responsible for regulated refrigerant activities. Department heads ensure that their personnel comply with regulatory requirements for handling refrigerant and with certification of equipment.
3. All University Departments and Their Personnel Ensure that Refrigerants are NEVER Released into the Atmosphere and are Properly Recycled or Disposed
Venting refrigerants into the atmosphere for any reason is unlawful. Only very minimal (de minimus) releases associated with good-faith attempts to recapture and recycle or safely dispose of refrigerants are permitted. Refrigerators, freezers and other appliances containing refrigerant are properly maintained, removed and disposed to preclude refrigerant release.
4. Only Certified Technicians may Recover or Recycle Refrigerant Using Registered Equipment
All departments follow the above referenced environmental regulations for refrigerant recovery regarding personnel and equipment involved with refrigerant handling. Only vendors and service technicians with appropriate refrigerant credentials may service WWU equipment containing refrigerant.
5. Departments Maintain Mandatory Documentation Regarding Refrigerant Activities
All departments involved with refrigerant activities document the following items in compliance with the above-referenced environmental regulations:
- Use of recovery and recycling equipment,
- Use of refrigerant on campus,
- Service records for appliances with 50 or more pounds of refrigerant,
- Technician certification, and
- Equipment registration.
Departments send copies of technician certifications and equipment registrations initially to the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) office. Departments send service and use records to EHS annually.
6. Vendors Bringing their own Equipment Containing Refrigerant to Campus Comply with Local, State and Federal Environmental Regulations, including those Regarding Refrigerant
Compliance with the above-referenced environmental regulations is referenced in all contractual agreements involving contracted work with refrigerants on campus.