POL-U5950.08 Office Fire Safety
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Dates and Approval
Effective Date:
April 19, 1993
Approved by:
WWU President's Council
Who does this policy apply to?
This policy applies to all persons employed by or working on the campus of Western Washington University.
There is no overview for this policy.Definitions
There are no definitions for this policy.
Policy Statements
1. The University believes that Provision of a Safe and Healthful Workplace includes Minimizing the Risk of Fire and Maximizing the Life-safety of Employees and Students
No additional description for this statement.
2. Department Heads and Center Directors shall be Responsible to Ensure Compliance with Office Fire Safety Procedures
Department heads and center directors may delegate these tasks.
3. Supervisors are Responsible to the Director or Department Head for Implementation of the Policy in Areas under their Purview
No additional description for this statement.
4. Each Person is Responsible for Awareness of Fire Safety and for Bringing Fire Hazards to their Supervisor's Attention
Persons are to contact the Environmental Health and Safety office if a supervisor's response is not forthcoming.