POL-U5400.19 Receiving Honoraria
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Dates and Approval
Effective Date:
February 15, 2006
Revised Date:
April 16, 2021
Approved by:
President Sabah Randhawa
Who does this policy apply to?
This policy applies to all permanent and temporary employees, including student employees, who are offered remuneration for their expertise and participation in an activity or event.
The University recognizes that due to the level of expertise and reputation of its faculty and staff, requests are made from outside entities for many faculty and staff to engage in activities such as giving a presentation or writing an article in connection with their official University role. The University recognizes that due to the level of expertise and reputation of its faculty and staff, requests are made from outside entities for many faculty and staff to engage in activities such as giving a presentation or writing an article in connection with their official University role.
Per RCW 42.52.010, money or thing of value offered to an employee for a speech, appearance, article or similar item or activity in connection with his or her official University role. Such activities may include serving on scholarly or advisory bodies related to academic work, boards or philanthropic organizations, review panels or accreditation teams.
Official Duty
Per RCW 42.52.010, those duties within the specific scope of employment of the employee as defined by the University.
Thing of Economic Value
Per (RCW 42.52.010), in addition to its ordinary meaning, includes a(n):
- Loan, property interest, interest in a contract or other chose in action, and employment or another arrangement involving a right to compensation,
- Option, irrespective of the conditions to the exercise of the option, and
- Promise or undertaking for the present or future delivery or procurement.
Policy Statements
1. Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs Ensures Compliance
The Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs is responsible for establishing policy and procedures related to the receipt of honoraria compliant with applicable laws and regulations. The Vice President delegates the daily implementation and monitoring of the policy and procedures to the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources.
2. Prior Approval is Required
Prior to participating in the activity for which an honorarium is offered, the employee must complete the Honoraria - Approval to Accept form (FRM-U5400.19) and obtain appropriate approval as outlined in the form.
3. Certain Conditions Must Be Met
To ensure compliance with the state ethics law, honoraria may be requested and approved when the following four criteria are met:
- The person, organization or company offering the honorarium for an activity in connection with the recipient’s role at the University is not seeking or reasonably expected to seek contractual relations (i.e. sell goods or services) with the University or the employee is not in a position to influence the University’s decision to enter such a contractual relation,
- The person, organization or company offering the honorarium is not regulated by the University or the employee is not in a position to participate in that particular regulation,
- The person, organization or company offering the honorarium is not seeking, opposing or likely to seek or oppose enactment or adoption of administrative rules or action or policy changes by the University or the employee may participate in that enactment or adoption, and
- The activity that the employee has been asked to give, produce or engage in does not detract from or interfere with their official duties and obligations to the University or conflict with any University outside employment policies or bargaining unit agreement provisions (see “See also” at top of policy).
4. University Resources May be Used for Approved Activities
Following official approval of the honorarium, the employee may use University resources as permitted by the Using University Resources Policy(POL-1500.08), including using University work time to prepare for and/or attend the activity.
FLSA non-exempt employees (over-time eligible) must comply with appropriate bargaining unit agreement or handbook provisions in regard to overtime if time to prepare for, travel to or from, and engage in the approved activity is to exceed normal work hours.
5. Employee May Still Participate in Activities and Accept Remuneration if Not Approved
If the University does not approve the honoraria request and the employee chooses to engage in the activity, any payment received is not considered an honorarium subject to this policy. The payment is instead outside compensation and subject to RCW 42.52.120 and the University’s consulting and outside compensated activities policies or union contracts.
The employee may not use any University resources, including state time, to prepare for or participate in the outside compensated activities unless otherwise allowed under the University’s consulting and outside compensated activities policies or union contracts.
6. Outside Entity Must Pay Employee Directly
If an employee agrees to be paid an honorarium, the outside entity must pay the employee directly. The employee is responsible for reporting all such income and paying any associated taxes as required by the Internal Revenue Service.
7. Honoraria Do Not Include Expenses
An honorarium does not include reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred for the employee’s participation including travel, food and lodging. Where payment or reimbursement of expenses is made by an outside entity, the employee may not request reimbursement of such expenses from the University.
If the employee is responsible for paying for any or all expenses, the University may reimburse the employee in accordance with the Purchasing Goods and Services policy (POL-U5348.01).
8. Human Resources To Provide Training
The Human Resources Department is responsible for making this policy and procedures readily accessible and provides training and guidance to the University community.