POL-U5315.23 Using Non-Owned Aircraft

Dates and Approval

Effective Date:

February 5, 2001

Revised Date:

August 9, 2017

Who does this policy apply to?

This policy applies to all University faculty, staff, volunteers, visitors and students.


There is no overview for this policy.



Direct non-financial, work-related benefits accruing to the state and “economical” means direct financial, work-related costs that occur at the least cost to the state and which the state is responsible to pay.

Non-owned aircraft

Privately-owned, rented or chartered airplanes, helicopters, gliders, balloons, blimps, lighter-than-air and others that are not owned or operated by Western. Non-owned aircraft does not include aircraft owned or operated by commercial airlines on scheduled service nor aircraft owned and operated by the State of Washington.

For the purposes of Section 4. Non-Owned Aircraft Prohibited From Operating To or From Campus below, the definition of non-owned aircraft also means drones, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and model aircraft.

Official University business

Activities performed by a University employee, or authorized volunteer or student as directed by their supervisor, in order to accomplish University programs or as required by the duties of his or her employment.

Policy Statements

1. University Personnel May Travel on Non-owned Aircraft if More Advantageous or Economical

Pursuant to SAAM 70.50 and other state regulations and laws as may be applicable, University personnel may only use non-owned aircraft on official University business, if it is more advantageous or economical than other forms of transportation for the University.

2. Use of Non-Owned Aircraft Requires Prior Authorization

Western’s Risk Manager must provide authorization prior to the use of all non-owned aircraft on behalf of Western.

3. Senior Officials Will Avoid Traveling on the Same Non-Owned Aircraft

The President, Provost, and Vice President(s) will avoid traveling simultaneously on the same non-owned aircraft.

4. Non-Owned Aircraft Prohibited From Operating To or From Campus

Non-owned aircraft are prohibited from operating to and from Western’s campus due to concerns of safety, noise, privacy, regulatory compliance and disruption of campus activities, except when such operations are required for medical, emergency, law enforcement, construction, or other purposes as approved in writing by the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs or designee.

Policy Information