POL-U4520.07 Training For Research/Scholarly Activities On National Institute Of Health (NIH) Or National Science Foundation (NSF) Sponsored Agreements

Dates and Approval

Effective Date:

September 25, 2013

Approved by:

President Bruce Shepard

Who does this policy apply to?

This policy applies to faculty, staff, and students working on NIH or NSF-sponsored agreements.


There is no overview for this policy.


Research Misconduct

  1. Fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion;
  2. Willful failure to comply with federal, state, or university requirements: i) for protecting human subjects during research or ii) concerning the humane treatment of animals in research; or
  3. Use of university resources such as research funds, facilities, faculty, staff, or students for unauthorized and/or illegal activities.

Principal Investigator (PI) or Project Director (PD)

Person responsible for proper management of sponsored agreements.

Key Personnel

PD/PI and other individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive, measurable way.

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training

A training program encompassing the prevention of research and/or scholarly misconduct. The program shall also include best practices of publication, authorship, and mentoring. The RCR courses are offered online and face-to-face.

NSF-Sponsored Agreement

Award instrument in the form of a grant, contract, subawards, cooperative agreement, or interagency agreement with NSF.

NIH-Sponsored Agreement

Award instrument in the form of a grant, contract, subawards, cooperative agreement, or interagency agreement with NIH.


This requirement does not apply to scholarship grants, REU grants, conference grants, equipment grants, program improvement grants or other federally-funded grants as determined by the Vice Provost for Research.

Policy Statements

1. Principal Investigators (PIs) Must Complete On-Line RCR Training Before NIH- or NSF-Sponsored Activity Begins

 RCR training must be renewed every four years.

2. Graduate Students and Key Personnel Funded by NIH- or NSF-Sponsored Agreements Must Complete On-Line RCR Training Program within sixty days (60) of Beginning Work on an NIH- or NSF- Sponsored Agreement

No additional description for this statement.

3. NIH-Sponsored Training, Fellowship, and Career PIs and Graduate Students Must Also Complete Eight Hours of Face-to-Face RCR Training Provided by Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP)

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4. Undergraduate Students Funded by NIH- or NSF-Sponsored Agreements Must Participate in an RCR Training Session Offered by RSP

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5. Vice-Provost for Research May Require RCR Training for Other PIs, Key Personnel, and Students as Deemed Appropriate

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6. RSP Provides RCR Training to all Faculty, Graduate Students, and Undergraduate Students Upon Request Regardless of Funding

No additional description for this statement.

Policy Information


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  • POL-U4520.02 Addressing Responsible Conduct of Research

See Also:

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  • POL-U4520.02 Addressing Responsible Conduct of Research


See Also