PRO-U2105.01A Requesting Exception To Official Travel Advisories

The University’s policy titled POL-U2105.01 Traveling Abroad for Education Experiences requires Travel Leaders (defined in the policy) and students to comply with 1) U.S. State Department Travel Warnings and Travel Alerts and 2) Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Travel Health Warnings. However, Travel Leaders may request an exception to this provision from the Provost (or an appropriate Vice President) based on program needs. Student(s) traveling independently may propose an exception to their Travel Leader for the Travel Leader’s handling under this procedure.

Action By:

Student (see note)

  1. A student who is doing independent study abroad, including internships, may propose an exception to the student’s Travel Leader. However, Travel Leader must agree to endorse the request and complete this procedure starting with action item 2. If not endorsed, Travel Leader advises student accordingly and procedure ends here.

    Note: Action item 1 only applies to students who are doing independent study abroad, including internships. Otherwise, start at action item 2.

Travel Leader

  1. Researches and evaluates the specific risks outlined in official travel warnings, develops plans to mitigate those risks, completes the Requesting Exception to Official Travel Warnings form and attaches supporting documentation.
  2. Follows normal departmental and/or college leadership reporting procedures and submits the request form packet to Chair, Director and/or Dean, as appropriate, for consideration.

Chair, Director and/or Dean

  1. Decides whether to endorse, return or not endorse the request.
    1. If request is endorsed, Chair, Director and/or Dean signs request form and returns to Travel Leader.
    2. If request needs additional detail, returns unsigned request form to Travel Leader with instructions.
    3. If request is not endorsed, returns unsigned request form to Travel Leader with explanation and procedure ends here.

Travel Leader

  1. Forwards endorsed, signed request form packet to Director of Education Abroad.

Director of Education Abroad

  1. Convenes meeting with Exec. Director of Institute for Global Learning, Risk Manager and other University administrators, as appropriate, to evaluate the request (Evaluation Team).

    Note: On a case-by-case basis, other University administrators are invited to evaluate a request because of their position or professional expertise. For example, Medical Director of the Student Health Center may be asked to evaluate a request for exception to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Travel Health Warnings.

Evaluation Team

  1. Decides whether to endorse, return, or not endorse the request.
    1. If request is endorsed, Exec. Director of Institute for Global Learning, Director of Education Abroad and Risk Manager sign request form.
    2. If request needs additional detail, Director of Education Abroad returns unsigned request form to Travel Leader with instructions.
    3. If request is not endorsed, Director of Education Abroad returns unsigned request form to Travel Leader with explanation.

Executive Director of Institute for Global Learning

  1. Forwards endorsed, signed request form to Provost (or appropriate Vice President); or
  2. Advises Provost (or appropriate Vice President) of request that was not endorsed by Evaluation Team.

Provost (or Appropriate Vice President)

  1. Reviews endorsed, signed request form and decides whether to approve, return, or deny the request.

    1. If request is approved, Provost (or Appropriate Vice President) signs request form and returns to Executive Director of Institute for Global Learning.
    2. If request needs additional detail, returns unsigned request form to Executive Director of Institute for Global Learning with instructions.
    3. If request is denied, returns unsigned request form to Executive Director of Center for Institute for Global Learning with explanation.

    Note: Provost (or Appropriate Vice President) may delegate approval authority in writing to the Evaluation Team for requests that may present a “lower risk” as determined by the team. Thus, Executive Director of Institute for Global Learning signs request form on behalf of the Provost or Vice President and action item 10 is omitted

Executive Director of Institute for Global Learning

  1. Forwards endorsed, signed request or advises outcome to Director of Education Abroad.

Director of Education Abroad

  1. Forwards copy of endorsed, signed request or advises outcome to Travel Leader

Travel Leader

  1. If desired, Travel Leader may appeal a decision one time, which begins the procedure again at action item 2.

Director of Education Abroad

  1. Forwards copy of endorsed, signed appealed request or advises appeal outcome to Travel Leader.
  2. Maintains copies of exception requests in departmental office files.

Procedure Information

Approved By:

Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs

Effective Date:

March 2, 2018

Procedure Contact

Office of Global Engagement


Phone: (360) 650-7544

Office of Global Engagement site