PRO-U1000.10A Developing And Maintaining University Policies And Standards
Action By:
Policy Owner
- Completes the Policy Impact Statement New or Major Revisions e-sign form and sends to their respective Division Policy Coordinator.
Division Policy Coordinator
- Approves or disapproves the Policy Impact Statement (PIS) form. If approved, sends PIS form to Vice President of their division. If not approved, remands to Policy Owner with suggestions for resubmission.
Vice President
- Approves or disapproves Policy Impact Statement form. If approved, sends to University Policy Manager. If not approved, remands to Policy Owner
Director, University Policy
- Records submission and forwards Policy Impact Statement to Technical Review Committee (TRC) and Division Policy Coordinators for their input.
TRC and Policy Coordinators
- Review Policy Impact Statement form and include comments for areas within the purview under them on the e-sign form.
Director, University Policy
- Forwards Policy Impact Statement form with comments to University Policy and Rules Review Group (UPRRG) and informs vice presidents whose divisions may be impacted as necessary.
Policy Owner
- Presents Policy Impact Statement form at meeting of UPRRG for review and recommendation.
- Considers Policy Impact Statement for fiscal and equity impacts, operational efficiencies, and appropriate stakeholder engagement in policy development to follow. Approves/disapproves Policy Impact Statement form or remands to the Policy Owner with comments for further consideration and potential resubmission.
Director, University Policy
- Notes Policy Impact Statement approval and other UPRRG comments in policy development and evaluation form, assigns policy number and forwards to Policy Owner.
Policy Owner
- Develops first draft of policy and any supporting standards, solicits input from appropriate stakeholders and subject matter experts, including consultation with representatives from Internal Controls and Office of Civil Rights &Title IX Compliance.
- Submits policy draft to the Director, University Policy for consideration of TRC and designates any subject matter experts(s) that may be necessary to assist in TRC review.
Director, University Policy
- Coordinates TRC meeting for review of policy draft.
- Reviews draft for legal compliance and format, operational efficiencies, institutional risks, and other regulatory requirements. Recommends amendments as necessary to Policy Owner, which are recorded in policy development and evaluation form.
Director, University Policy
- Records comments in policy development and evaluation form.
- Posts draft policy for a 30-day review and comment period to university policy web site and Western Today, and provides email notice of posting to University Policy and Rules Review Group and leaders of student, faculty, and staff shared governance groups and employee unions.
- Following 30-day review, records all comments received on policy development and evaluation form, and submits to Policy Owner for review and development of final policy draft.
Procedure Information
Approved By:
President Sabah Randhawa
Effective Date:
May 10, 2022