POL-U5950.09 Waste Reduction & Recycling

Dates and Approval

Approved by:

WWU President's Council

Who does this policy apply to?

This policy applies to the entire WWU community.


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Policy Statements

1. Western Washington University is Committee to a Comprehensive Waster Reduction and Recyling Program

In accordance with language originally in Section 53 of the Waste Not Washington Act of 1990 (Senate ­House Bill 1671) and codified in the Revised Code of Washington Part 70.95.010, an aggressive program designed to reduce and recycle solid wastes to the maximum extent feasible shall be implemented. 

2. All Members of the University Community are Expected to Cooperate with this Policy and with Waste Reduction and Recycling Goals

Goals for waste reduction and recycling include the following: 

  1. Annually reduce the amount of solid and hazardous wastes generated. 
  2. Recycle 50% of solid wastes in 1995 and increase the rate annually 
  3. thereafter. 
  4. Conserve natural resources and reduce environmental degradation by annually increasing the use of products that are reusable, recyclable, made with recovered materials, and are non­toxic. 
  5. Increase the use of recycled paper products to 50% by 1993 and annually thereafter.

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